Service Notices

Sometimes we need to make important changes to maintain our technology and update the platform with new features. We will be doing our best to minimise impact to the community and we appreciate your patience.

Visit here regulary to check the latest news and updates.


We are experiencing intermittent issues associated with the platform. Some users may have difficulties with logging on. We are aware of the issue and are now working on this issue and expect a resolution within 12 hours. 

13:00 ACST Update: Access to the platform for registered/existing users has now been fully restored. Continuity plans are now underway and restoration of functions are expected within 6 hours.

19:20 ACST Update: All testing and platform functions have been restored. Users advised via email.


We will be completing planned changes and important updates Thursday Sept 14th 2023 between 3pm to 5pm ACST. Users will be unable to access the platform during this time.