professional services

We’re an Australian services marketplace with verified companies ready to connect with professional freelancers and smaller specialist professional services firms. 

Redefining the way we work

Become a verified freelancer

Sign up as a individual and once verified you'll be able to apply for exclusive job opportunities.

List your small business

Sign up as a small business and showcase your services directly to larger companies.

Become a buyer

Browse for free and gain access to a network of verified professionals and verified businesses.

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Real life stories from real life people

I like the diversity of opportunities and working with quality Australian clients who are driving change and progress. I am lucky to be rehired a lot and appreciate the sense of professional community that is the Jungal.
Richard Anning
Management Consultant
BAE Systems & PCCU
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The standard of Jungal contractors 'Gigstars' is consistently excellent. We have had a number of resources who delivered different business projects successfully.
Great to work with the Jungal talent team.
Defence Client
Programme Manager at BAE Systems
The Jungal is great and lets me focus on my professional skills and not chasing sales or contracts.
Insurance, procurement & finance is all covered and Jungal take care of the admin - it's just easier to freelance like this!
Lahta Stephens
Instructional Designer SA Police & Discovery Parks
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Skills on offer

How it works

Individual Freelancers

Join the Jungal community and gain access to Australia’s leading professionals for free.

Simple verification, integrity & transparency.

Supporting Small Firms

SIgn up and list your business and showcase your firm to leading Australian organisations. Simpler professional connections.

B2B Services

Jungal offers hundreds of verified, skilled professionals ready to support your business.

Save money and access top talent.

Start ethically trading

As a buyer, every single one of your gig payments will go to the freelancer with a capped profit margin.

Ready to try a different way of finding quality professional services?

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