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The Vision

We envision a future where everyone on this magnificent planet can freely exchange their skills and experiences for a fair fee.


We aimed to establish a space for joyful work, promoting equal opportunities, and connecting forward-thinking buyers with spirited and ethical sellers who are passionate about what they do.

Let's redefine
the way we work

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Award winning Australian built technology

How it works


Join the on demand community and gain access to Australia’s leading freelancers for free


No fuss, easy process to get you up and running and connecting with local professionals


The Jungal has hundreds of verified and skilled freelancers who are keen to work with you


The Jungal is built for corporate clients and offers a sophisticated model of payment and invoicing

Our People Philosophy and the
opportunity of a great Gig Economy

Jungal was born in 2015, inspired by the remarkable growth of freelancing in Australia.  We recognised that the future was evolving with fresh characteristics, marked by a growing number of individuals willing to embrace self-empowerment and a shift away from traditional company structures. 

This era brought exciting changes and a new wave of opportunities

Being a part of something bigger

Our mission was to seamlessly transport the vibrant offline experience of talented individuals and freelancing into the online realm. 

We recognised the importance of fostering a sense of community, valuing excellence, and embracing a shared commitment to success within our business model.

Connection & social impact

The future looks bright with double digit growth rates forecast in the number of people entering the gig economy in Australia we’re very proud to be associated with creating an ethical, people centric community.  

If we can use our working choices to create a social difference, such as help reduce domestic violence in the world, then we can feel satisfied we’ve been a part of something more important than just us. 

The Jungal community supports people to make exciting connections and create better outcomes for all.